Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wondering What Can I Give My Dog For Pain?

Wondering What Can I Give My Dog For Pain?

When your canine gets older and possibly develops arthritis, you might want to ask yourself what can i give my dog for arthritis pain? being mindful of this, it is time to put together an action plan to help prevent this in order for your dog to maintain a healthy, happy and active lifestyle. Have your vet examine your pet annually or more often, if necessary. 

If Your Dog Has Arthritis Some Of The Symptoms My Be:
  • Walk stiffly
  • Limp or favor certain limbs
  • Show stiffness or discomfort when getting up from a lying-down position
  • Display lameness in certain limbs
  • Appear to have stiff, swollen or sore joints
  • Seem to experience pain when touched in certain areas
  • Seem to find certain positions uncomfortable or painful
  • Suffer loss of flexibility in their joints
  • Be hesitant to jump, run or climb stairs

As with people, weight can be an issue for your dog, so watch your dogs diet. An overweight dog has far more health problems such as joint problems, arthritis, diabetes and liver or kidney malfunctions. Cut down on the amount of treats given to your pet. Feed your pet once a day or smaller amounts twice a day but remove the food if there is any left. 

A Few Natural Ingredients You Can Give Your Dog

Apis mellifica 30C: Formulated from honeybees, Apis mellifica relieves burning, stinging pain and fluid retention, and has been used in homeopathy since its discovery as a remedy in 1835, by Rev. Brauns, in Thuringia, Germany.

Belladonna 6X: Also known as Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna is a herbaceous perennial native to Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. It has been used by homeopathic experts to treat back pain, swelling and stiffness of the neck, sharp drawing pains and stiffness in joints, trembling legs and swelling of the feet.

Caulphyllum 6C: Also called Blue Cohosh or Squaw Root, Caulphyllum is a woodland herb that blooms in early April and is usually found on wooded slopes across much of the US and Canada. Native Americans once used it as a childbirth aid and for uterine cramps. It has antispasmodic properties and is useful for treating rheumatic stiffness and pain in the limbs and joints.

Colchicum autumnale 200C: This autumn-blooming flower is known as autumn crocus, meadow saffron or naked lady, and is used in homeopathy to treat the symptoms of gout as well as the convulsive jerking of hands and feet.

Rhus toxicodendron 200C: Also known as mercury vine or poison vine, poison oak and its kissing cousin, poison ivy, can be found all over North America in woodland areas. A main constituent of the plant is toxicodendric acid, which a French physician in the late eighteenth century discovered to be useful in the treatment of skin disease, paralysis and rheumatic complaints. Today Rhus Tox is prized for its anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

Ruta graveolens 6X: A plant native to Southern Europe, Ruta is also known as Common Rue, which in olden times was thought to ward off plague. In today's homeopathy, it is used to treat joint pain, swelling, stiffness, spasmodic contractions and weakness.
If possible take your dog for a short walk daily. This helps the dog's blood circulation and provides some new sights and smells to stimulate them and it gives you quality time to spend with your pet. He may be older but still curious.

You may need to switch from dry food to a moist or canned food as your dog ages and avoid feeding your dog table scraps.  His teeth may not be able to handle the hardness of dry kibbles. Looking after your older dog and taking him to the vet regularly helps keep your dog healthy and happy longer. best dslr camera for beginners

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